Most companies have a Finance Department whose job is to keep track of all of the income and expenses and prepare the company profit and loss statement and balance sheet. 大多数公司都有财务部,他们的工作是记录所有的收入和支出以及准备公司的利润亏损表和资产负债表。
Likewise, if you want to find a job, take a sheet of paper, and write a brief account of yourself. 同样,如果你想找一份工作,那么你就要拿出一张纸,在上面写上自己的简历。
At the same time this entry is made, the completed job's cost sheet is removed from the Job Cost Ledger, marked "completed" and filed. 与此同时,完工批次的成本计算单从批次成本分类账中取出,加盖“已完成”戳记,并存档。
It controls a subsidiary ledger called job cost ledger, which contains a job cost sheet. 该账户下辖一名目批次成本的明细分类账户,其下有一批次成本计算表。
No job and No pay but a sheet of diploma. 没有工作,没有薪水。可能会有一张结业证书。
The transfer-in HR Department shall report to the HR Department of the Group with approval by the leaders after receiving and reviewing the Employee Job Change Approval Sheet; 调入单位人力资源部门收到《员工异动审批单》并审核后,经本单位领导审核同意,报集团人力资源部;
If the software were smart enough, the print job could easily have been abandoned before the second sheet of paper was wasted. 如果程序足够聪明,打印工作就可以在第2页纸浪费之前轻易地取消。
I call the job description the "cheat sheet" for the interview. 我称工作要求为面试的“备忘录”。
The first job is to turn round the performance of RBS and to strengthen its balance sheet, strengthen its business and that is what Stephen Hester is doing, Mr Cameron said. 卡梅伦表示:首要任务是扭转RBS的业绩,强化它的资产负债表,强化业务,这是史蒂芬赫斯特正在做的。
Preparing documents to support the shop floor production. This may include but not limited to documents like Job Instruction Sheet, Operation Instruction, Production Routings, Quality Checking Inspections and CNC program. 提供工作指导,运作指导,生产安排,质量检验及CNC程序等相应文件以支持车间生产。